Suggested Municipal Lot located at 51 Bloomfield Ave, Denville, NJ (Blue Star). From this lot. walk straight across the Bloomfield Ave and Broadway intersection, and we are directly in front of you!


Parking in Downtown Denville is limited to 90 minutes on Broadway, 1st Ave, and most of 2nd Ave. In some areas on 2nd Ave and Bloomfield Ave, parking is 2 hours. Denville actively tickets these main roads.

New Procedures are scheduled for 2 hours. Second Sessions and Biennial Color Boosts scheduled for 1.5-2 hours.

Please park in a 2-hour spot, or utilize 3-hour parking in the suggested lots to avoid a parking ticket for these appointments. The Bloomfield Ave lot located at 51 Bloomfield Ave is directly across from us. The Diamond Spring and First Ave Lot is just 2 blocks from us.